Let’s Live Laudato Si’


Office/person in charge:
Daniel Godard - National Vice president - Christian Movement for Retired people (MCR France)

15 rue Sarrette - 75014 PARIS - FRANCE

Email address:

Website/social media:

Let’s Live Laudato Si’ is a study and action group rooted in the writings of Pope Francis in “Laudato Si’.” Through collective reflection, we see how our actions are in line with the teachings of Laudato Si’ and identify where we can do better and have a bigger impact, especially in how we care for the poor and for the natural world. There are four goals for this reflection:

For the earth: (1) “change my behavior as a consumer” and (2) “tend towards zero-waste”

For the poor: (3) “welcome different people” and (4) “find and improve new ways of and means to solidarity.”

What is it?

What is this initiative about?

Let’s Live Laudato Si’ is a study and action group rooted in the writings of Pope Francis in “Laudato Si’.” Through collective reflection, we see how our actions are in line with the teachings of Laudato Si’ and identify where we can do better and have a bigger impact, especially in how we care for the poor and for the natural world. There are four goals for this reflection:

For the earth: (1) “change my behavior as a consumer” and (2) “tend towards zero-waste”

For the poor: (3) “welcome different people” and (4) “find and improve new ways of and means to solidarity.”

How does it help?

In what way does this initiative enhance the formation of the laity?

Those who participate become more and more conscience of the connections and dependence of his or her way of life with “Laudato Si”. Let’s Live Laudato Si’ also facilitates necessary reflection on one’s life and choices and guides them as they determine how to better live their lives and commit themselves to service in keeping with Pope Francis’ writing.

Why is it important?

Why is this initiative important for the training and advancement of the laity in your country?

Through group work, reflection, and selected materials, Let’s Live Laudato Si’ helps individuals come to know and accept their duty and vocation as lay people. Our work is such that people from all over can come together to join in this mission for the betterment of our society and our world.

How did it start

How was this initiative developed?

Let’s Live Laudato Si’ was inspired by an event held at Lourdes in June 2018 titled “Third Time of the Retiring Life.” More than 4,000 people attended the event. Let’s Live Laudato Si’ began as a way to offer those interested the simple and basic tools to commit their talents and time to service for the betterment of all. In October 2019, the initiative was approved by the Movement General Assembly.


Does it benefit the laity on a national or local level?

Those who participate realize that he or she has the power to make choices and create habits that help to improve the lives of others who benefit from his or her actions. We form relationships through our work with neglected people, like migrants, elderly people, or those who live in poverty. Through our work, we also care for our environment and natural work, and take up conscious actions that lessen negative environmental impacts.

Means and funding

Who funds the initiative? What is needed to launch this initiative?

Expenses are not very high.  That being said, we do receive some funding from local partners. National level funds do require more effort and funding, especially if our local resources do not suffice.

In order to launch this initiative elsewhere it is necessary to organize a group of people and acquire the materials necessary to facilitate discussion and reflection. During meetings, someone should take notes of what is said so that you may have a record of ideas and a guide for next steps for turning reflection into action.


Learn more

Where can people learn more about this initiative?

We are happy to answer any questions you may have about Let’s Live Laudato Si’.

Countries involved

Does this initiative exist in other countries?

We would be pleased to share and improve the process all together around the world.

How to start?

How can this initiative be implemented in other countries?

Simply by listening and responding to the needs of the people near to you and by developing ways to care for and nurture your natural local environment.




Vivons Laudato si en équipe - Les projets par diocèse