Catholic Christian Outreach


Office/person in charge:
Jeff Lockert - President, Andre and Angele Regnier - Co-Founders

Catholic Christian Outreach HQ, 1247 Kilborn Place, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1H 6K9

Email address:

Website/social media:

Catholic Christian Outreach is a University Student Movement dedicated to evangelization. We challenge people to live in the fullness of their Catholic faith by placing an emphasis on building leaders who live and work in accordance to Catholic teachings. Our methods, materials and approach have been adapted to suit the needs of many audiences, from baptismal preparation to parish renewal.

CCO places a strong emphasis on proclaiming the name of Jesus clearly and simply, and helping others do so as well. Over the last 33 years, CCO has developed various materials that help Catholics proclaim the Gospel clearly and simply and then teach others to do the same.

Through our Faith Studies courses, which form a basic curriculum for kerygmatic catechesis, participants learn to put Jesus at the center of their lives and come to know their missionary vocation better.

Our Relationship Book is an important tool and helps people share the kerygma and give a clear yes, through their heart, intellect and interior will, to put Christ at the center of their life and live a true metanoia conversion for Jesus.

Intentional Accompaniment is another important guide for helping people to lead others to encounter with Jesus Christ and gives them the tools necessary to assist their growth in holiness and to walk with them as they grow closer to Christ.

What is it?

What is this initiative about?

Catholic Christian Outreach is a University Student Movement dedicated to evangelization. We challenge people to live in the fullness of their Catholic faith by placing an emphasis on building leaders who live and work in accordance to Catholic teachings. Our methods, materials and approach have been adapted to suit the needs of many audiences, from baptismal preparation to parish renewal.

CCO places a strong emphasis on proclaiming the name of Jesus clearly and simply, and helping others do so as well. Over the last 33 years, CCO has developed various materials that help Catholics proclaim the Gospel clearly and simply and then teach others to do the same.

Through our Faith Studies courses, which form a basic curriculum for kerygmatic catechesis, participants learn to put Jesus at the center of their lives and come to know their missionary vocation better.

Our Relationship Book is an important tool and helps people share the kerygma and invites individuals to give a clear yes, through their heart, intellect and interior will, to put Christ at the center of their life and live a true metanoia conversion for Jesus.

Intentional Accompaniment is another important guide for helping people to lead others to encounter with Jesus Christ and gives them the tools necessary to assist their growth in holiness and to walk with them as they grow closer to Christ.

How does it help?

In what way does this initiative enhance the formation of the laity?

CCO provides the laity with the tools to proclaim the name of Jesus clearly and simply and teaches them how to invite others into a personal relationship with Jesus. We help form the laity in order that they may proclaim the Gospel and may intentionally accompany others. Through our materials, we help participants understand the sometimes-elusive concepts of evangelization, conversion, and encounter.

Why is it important?

Why is this initiative important for the training and advancement of the laity in your country?

Everyone needs to know Jesus; statistics show that the majority of the people in our Church, our families, and our friend groups do not know Jesus or do not know him well enough. Secondly, many people want to share Jesus but don’t have the tools to explain him clearly and simply.

How did it start

How was this initiative developed?

In 1988, Andre and Angele Regnier heeded the call to be evangelizers for the renewal of the world when they both attended the University of Sasketwchan. They saw a need in Canada for Catholics to encounter and to know the person of Jesus Christ. Now, 30 years later, through the Holy Spirit and inspiration from St. John Paul II, they have continued this mission and developed it to be a global movement.


Does it benefit the laity on a national or local level?

We are a national organization of full-time lay missionaries on campuses across the country – we connect with University students, dioceses and individual parishes to aid in the renewal of the world and be new builders.

It benefits the laity by giving clear and simple tools to proclaim the Kerygma to their friends, family, parish and provides a model for them to be a missionary disciple.

CCO’s tools and methodology can be developed and implemented at the local level. Even if it starts with just one person, that one person can have a significant impact an entire office, parish, country, etc.

Means and funding

Who funds the initiative? What is needed to launch this initiative?

Donors fund our mission. Each missionary must go out and ask for these donors to join and support our work.  Patrons also purchase CCO materials, and there is a cost to our Parish & Connect coaching.

To launch this initiative, you need to start with the CCO book and training videos. Please visit the CCO website.

Learn more

Where can people learn more about this initiative?

Those interested in learning more about Catholic Christian Outreach and our tools and methodology should visit our website or our training platform:

Countries involved

Does this initiative exist in other countries?

Our materials and methods are used in the United Kingdom, Uganda, Honduras, Cameroon, USA and Australia. All five of our Faith Studies are available in English and Spanish. Our first faith study, Discovery, is available in English, French (Canadian), Spanish, and Chinese.

Our Ultimate Relationship book is available in English; French, Spanish, Italian, Vietnamese, German, Portuguese, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Polish, Arabic. Our Ultimate Relationship App is available in all of the above languages as well as: Hungarian, Russian, and Ukrainian


If possible, we kindly ask that you provide a brief report on the initiative’s progress, statistics, accomplishments, and any other information worth noting, as well as any photos from your initiative.

How to start?

How can this initiative be implemented in other countries?

CCO has a methodology and philosophy that can be moulded into your current situation, organization, or parish. For more information, please visit:

Through parishes – consultations with our parish support


University chaplaincies – consultations through CCO Connect: Campus


Hosting CCO mission projects (


Attend our RiseUp conference