The Children’s Rosary is an international prayer group movement dedicated to supporting the prayer lives of children (ages 4 -14) and to helping them grow in holiness through prayer of the Rosary. Since its founding in 2011, groups have been initiated in 43 countries. This program helps children to set deep roots of faith and helps to create leaders in the Church. Groups meet in parishes (church buildings or outstations), schools, and orphanages. Groups do not meet in private homes. The steps to begin a group include obtaining permission from one’s Pastor to begin a Children’s Rosary group, choosing a meeting location, choosing a regular meeting time (monthly, weekly, or if interest exists, daily), and inviting a group of families and children to the first meeting and including information in the Church bulletin. At the first meeting groups are asked to Consecrate the group to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is not an individual Consecration, rather it is a Consecration of the group, so the group is under the protection of Christ and His Mother.
An optional addition to meetings is the use of flowers. This is particularly nice for smaller children not able to lead or children with disabilities preventing them from leading. At the end of each decade a child is asked to place a flower at the foot of a statue or picture of Mary if available. While the child is placing the flower, an adult, if reflecting on the first Glorious mystery, should say, “Mary we humbly place this flower at your feet and ask for the gift of…faith.” The gifts asked for correspond to the fruits of the mysteries. Children are encouraged to bring intentions to place before them as they meet in their prayer group. All groups are asked to pray for the other members of the Children’s Rosary, all who help the Children’s Rosary, and the intentions of Our Blessed Mother. In this way all the groups are covered in prayers each day.