Institute for Laity Formation


Office/person in charge:
Denisse Maria Arana Escobar

Jarauta #510-A, Col. La Perla, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México 44380

Email address:

Website/social media:

The Instituto de Formación para Laicos (Institute for Laity Formation), also known as IFL, is an initative that responds to the need for an integral and permanent formation of the laity in our Church and our world today. Our mission is to accompany and educate the laity so that they can carry out the tasks of the New Evangelization.

We firmly believe that the time is now for lay people to face the challenges of the present and do so with a solid theological foundation. Inspired by the Aparecida document (2007), the magisterium of the laity, and Pope Francis’ teachings, we follow a formative syllabus through 3 serial Diplomas (each lasting one-year) in order to promote leadership of the New Evangelization.

At the beginning of the program, IFL sets the foundation for participants to have an integral and permanent preparation. This way, through encounter with Christ and conversion, we can announce the Gospel, the Kingdom of God, and transform our temporary realities.

The IFL places equal emphasis on integrating this knowledge  into the “heart”, so that this learning can be then “translated” into actions and works.

Pope Francis invites us to be educators, using our mind, heart, and hands. To head this call, we must embrace this learning and personal conversion so that our works may be for the benefit of others and the common good.

What is it?

What is this initiative about?

The Instituto de Formación para Laicos (IFL) is an initative that responds to the need for an integral and permanent formation of the laity in our Church and our world today. Our mission is to accompany and educate the laity so that they can carry out the tasks of the New Evangelization.

We firmly believe that the time is now for lay people to face the challenges of the present and do so with a solid theological foundation. Inspired by the Aparecida document (2007), the magisterium of the laity, and Pope Francis’ teachings, we follow a formative syllabus through 3 serial Diplomas (each lasting one-year) in order to promote leadership of the New Evangelization.

At the beginning of the program, IFL sets the foundation for participants to have an integral and permanent preparation. This way, through encounter with Christ and conversion, we can announce the Gospel, the Kingdom of God, and transform our temporary realities.

The IFL places equal emphasis on integrating this knowledge  into the “heart”, so that this learning can be then “translated” into actions and works.

Pope Francis invites us to be educators, using our mind, heart, and hands. To head this call, we must embrace this learning and personal conversion so that our works may be for the benefit of others and the common good.

How does it help?

In what way does this initiative enhance the formation of the laity?

By helping participants find their YES from within, IFL reaches at the heart of the person and helps them to listen to their deepest conviction to serve Christ. During the formation process, the students come to discover their personal vocation and to realize what they can do with this vocation, and they learn to embrace the infinite possibilities that God’s love gives to share and to transform our environment.

Why is it important?

Why is this initiative important for the training and advancement of the laity in your country?

This initiative is important because it is an initiative that arises from life itself and is renewed in the reality in which it is lived. From the very beginnng, our program promotes a training that brings about action and service.

Addiotnally, since its inception this initiative has been taken up by both members of the clergy and members of the laity.

How did it start

How was this initiative developed?

It arose from the comments and suggestions within the Diocese about the need for a trained and mature laity and how this formation would need to respond to all dimensions of the person, uniting faith and works.


Does it benefit the laity on a national or local level?

Through IFL, participants renew the spark of their vocation and mission. They come to know their great mission, and this knowledge renews their convictions and pastoral passion. Participants come to realize how much they can collaborate with the Church and how much good they can do in their own communties. Participants learn to take Christ with them to each person they encounter, wherever that may be.

Means and funding

Who funds the initiative? What is needed to launch this initiative?

IFL is funded by the modest fees that students pay for training.

To take up this initative though you need more than just economic resources – you will need a lot of will and grace. It is a matter of community work where each person offers their own talents to be of service.

Learn more

Where can people learn more about this initiative?

Please visit our website  or contact

Countries involved

Does this initiative exist in other countries?

We are in conversation about possible IFL-inspired projects in Costa Rica, Chile, and the United States in Chicago.

How to start?

How can this initiative be implemented in other countries?

We can accompany you in the process. We will share our experience and what we’ve learned with you.




Executive Report 2023
Reporte Ejecutivo Enero 2023 IFL Arq. GDL