Laudato Si’ School in Peru is an educational initiative inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ (published in 2015). The Laudato Si School seeks to join Church voices to address the environmental issues and concerns that put our world at risk. The school is open to all Catholics in Peru, and at present more than fifty people, including Cardinal Pedro Barrero, S.I., President of REPAM, from various dioceses participate.
The school runs one session and one forum each month (on Wednesdays from 7.30pm to 9pm): At these meetings, students listen to various experts and leaders, including: Msgr. Alfredo Vizcarra, S.J. –Bishop of the Apostolic Vicariate of Jaén and President of the Amazonic Center of Anthropology and Practical Application (Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica – CAAAP); Msgr. Humberto Ortiz – Assistant to the Presidency of the Peruan Bishops’ Conference – CEP and ex Executive Secretary of CEAS (Centro de Recursos para el Emprendimiento y el Aprendizaje); Enginneer Gladys Castillo – Coordinator of the Peruan Caritas Environment Program; Msgr. Mauricio López – ex Executive Secretary of the Ecclesial Panamazonic Net – REPAM; Dr. Sr. Birgit Weiler – Professor at PUCP and Guest Expert at the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region; Msgr. Ramiro Escobar – Professor at the Science and Arts Communication Faculty of PUCP and at the Peruan School for Diplomats; Representatives from the Peruan Ministry of the Environment.