Australian Young Catholic Women’s Fellowship


Office/person in charge:
Director National Centre for Evangelisation


Email address:

Website/social media:

The Australian Young Catholic Women’s Fellowship (hereafter called “the Fellowship”) focuses on the formation, accompaniment, voice and contribution of women in the Catholic Church in Australia. This long term and deep formative experience enables women to be intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and personally formed for effective leadership roles in the communities in which they live and work.

In his quote, the Australian Bishop Delegate for Women, Bishop Michael Morrissey, outlines the importance of the formation of this Fellowship, “The Fifth Plenary Council of Australia highlighted again our need to support Catholic women in their endeavours to be leaders in the communities in which they live and work. The bishops of Australia are delighted to offer these Fellowships, enabling eight young women to proclaim the faith confidently and competently in all the places they are called to lead.”

The Australian Bishops have offered a specialised formation experience for young women since 2006. The Fellowship is funded and managed by the Australian Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry (BCELM) and is not in formal partnership with any academic institutions.

What is it?

What is this initiative about?

The Australian Young Catholic Women’s Fellowship (hereafter called “the Fellowship”) focuses on the formation, accompaniment, voice and contribution of women in the Catholic Church in Australia. This long term and deep formative experience enables women to be intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and personally formed for effective leadership roles in the communities in which they live and work.

In his quote, the Australian Bishop Delegate for Women, Bishop Michael Morrissey, outlines the importance of the formation of this Fellowship, “The Fifth Plenary Council of Australia highlighted again our need to support Catholic women in their endeavours to be leaders in the communities in which they live and work. The bishops of Australia are delighted to offer these Fellowships, enabling eight young women to proclaim the faith confidently and competently in all the places they are called to lead.”

The Australian Bishops have offered a specialised formation experience for young women since 2006. The Fellowship is funded and managed by the Australian Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry (BCELM) and is not in formal partnership with any academic institutions.

How does it help?

In what way does this initiative enhance the formation of the laity?

This multi-dimensional program provides a holistic formation for young women in the areas of theological education, leadership development, faith formation and preparation for mission.

This program is open to Australian Catholic women aged between 25-35 with diverse personal and professional experiences, who have completed an under-graduate degree in any discipline.

Why is it important?

Why is this initiative important for the training and advancement of the laity in your country?

Following research into the participation of women in the Catholic Church in Australia (1999) the Australian Catholic Bishops committed to increasing the number of women in decision making and leadership roles in the Church.

This initiative also responds to the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia’s call for increasing lay leadership and formation opportunities.

How did it start

How was this initiative developed?

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has facilitated various programs focused on the leadership of young women since 2006. To date, 78 young women have graduated from these programs.

A number of these programs were delivered in partnership with various academic institutions and with financial support from Catholic agencies. Each iteration of the program has been evaluated and adapted in response to feedback.


Does it benefit the laity on a national or local level?

The program develops the skills, knowledge and confidence of a cohort of women and equips them for leadership.

“The Leadership for Mission program has been an empowering experience. It has connected me with an incredible group of supportive women, who have encouraged me to consider issues of women’s leadership from a range of different angles and viewpoints. The academic component of the program has been equally challenging and inspiring and has really enabled me to connect with my faith in an intellectual way that has me really excited about the possibilities for my future with the Church. As a faith formation program, Leadership for Mission has allowed me to feel more connected to my faith and has made me realise the important role I am playing as one woman in the Church. It is an absolutely life changing, joy filled, empowering program and I am so thankful to have been a part of it.”

– Sophie Cox, Leadership for Mission 2018/2019

Means and funding

Who funds the initiative? What is needed to launch this initiative?

To enable the Fellowship to proceed, a significant financial contribution (funds and staffing) has been provided by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.

Fellowship participants in 2024-2025 will receive a scholarship of $4,000 towards their academic costs. They will also receive financial support to cover travel, accommodation, meals, presenter’s costs for two in-person events. This will be of significant benefit to participants who live in regional Australia.

Learn more

Where can people learn more about this initiative?

To learn more about the Fellowship, please visit the National Centre for Evangelisation, located in Australia.

To learn more about the academic component of the Fellowship, please visit the Australian Catholic University’s website.

Countries involved

Does this initiative exist in other countries?

As of right now, the project is based only in Australia. We are open to international expansion

How to start?

How can this initiative be implemented in other countries?

Interested Catholic women could form a partnership between a Catholic University and other Catholic partners to provide the blend of academic, personal, faith and leadership formation.