The Australian Young Catholic Women’s Fellowship (hereafter called “the Fellowship”) focuses on the formation, accompaniment, voice and contribution of women in the Catholic Church in Australia. This long term and deep formative experience enables women to be intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and personally formed for effective leadership roles in the communities in which they live and work.
In his quote, the Australian Bishop Delegate for Women, Bishop Michael Morrissey, outlines the importance of the formation of this Fellowship, “The Fifth Plenary Council of Australia highlighted again our need to support Catholic women in their endeavours to be leaders in the communities in which they live and work. The bishops of Australia are delighted to offer these Fellowships, enabling eight young women to proclaim the faith confidently and competently in all the places they are called to lead.”
The Australian Bishops have offered a specialised formation experience for young women since 2006. The Fellowship is funded and managed by the Australian Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry (BCELM) and is not in formal partnership with any academic institutions.