In the current social landscape there is a sense of great unease, loneliness and suffering experienced by all those families faced with a prenatal diagnosis of their child’s pathology : a lack of medical-care, emotional, socio-economic and, last but not least, spiritual help.
In this context, the promotion of training and cultural paths that focus on crucial issues such as the preciousness of nascent life, the fetus as a patient, prenatal pathologies and the recent scientific and therapeutic developments related to them and prenatal palliative treatments are absolutely central, up to the configured Perinatal Hospice, in the model proposed by the “A. Gemelli” University Polyclinic Foundation I.R.C.C.S – Rome as a comprehensive response to prenatal frailty conditions taking charge of families, with pathological fetal diagnosis, in the antenatal phase.
It is on the basis of these premises that the idea of a specialist training program was born, addressed to all those who want to put themselves at the service of Life in the manner of the “Il Cuore in una Goccia” non-profit Foundation.
The course program aims, through the contribution of high medical professionals, to broaden knowledge of fetal and maternal pathological conditions, and to propose an integrated care model capable of responding scientifically and humanly to the needs of women and the entire family in the presence of fetal pathological diagnosis. A model in which the synergy between Science, Family and Faith takes the form of welcome, assistance, support, accompaniment and global management.
The course is part of a wider permanent training project and has been modulated in such a way as to be useful and usable not only for doctors and healthcare professionals, but also for non-medical figures operating in the areas of interest of the course. From a more strictly pastoral point of view, the initiative is particularly relevant as a contribution to a necessary formative and updating activity, addressed to priests and ecclesial figures. An indispensable tool to respond appropriately and comprehensively to the requests and needs of the churchgoer.